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Baking Pantry Essentials

July 31, 2022

Who doesn't love the smell of freshly baked cookies or bread? Baking is a great way to show your culinary skills, and with the right ingredients, it can be easy too!

Think of your pantry as the foundation of your baking recipes. Just like a house needs a strong foundation, your baking will be only as good as the ingredients you start with.

Why Keep Your Pantry Stocked?

Baking is a great way to show your loved ones that you care. It's also a fun way to enjoy some quality time with your family and friends. But in order to bake, you need some basic ingredients. That's why it's important to keep your pantry well stocked.

Ensure You Have Everything You Need On Hand

One of the most frustrating things about baking is realizing half way through a recipe that you're missing an essential ingredient. To avoid this problem, take inventory of your pantry on a regular basis and restock as necessary. This will help ensure that you always have what you need on hand.

Save Money By Purchasing in Bulk

Another benefit of stocking your pantry is that you can save money by purchasing ingredients in bulk. This is especially true if you find yourself using a particular ingredient often. By buying in bulk, you can get a great deal on the price per unit, which can save you money in the long run.

A flatlay of pantry staples including brown eggs, flour, sugar, measuring cups, and a whisk.

The Most Important Baking Pantry Essentials

Everyone's pantry is different, but there are some essential ingredients that every baker should have on hand. Here are the most important baking pantry essentials that we find ourselves reaching for time and time again:


One of the most important ingredients in any baker's pantry is flour. Flour is the key ingredient in many baked goods, so it's important to have a good supply on hand at all times. There are many different types of flour available, so you'll want to choose the one that's best for the baked goods you plan on making. For example, if you're planning on making cakes or cookies, you'll want to use all-purpose or cake flour. But if you're planning on making bread, you'll want to use bread flour.

Get a Great Price on Flour 


Another essential ingredient in any baking pantry is sugar. Sugar adds sweetness to baked goods and helps to create a variety of textures, from crisp to chewy. There are several types of sugar (and other sweeteners) available, so you'll want to choose the one that's best for the recipe you're making. For example, if you're looking for a crisp texture, you might want to use granulated sugar. But if you're looking for a chewy texture, you might want to use brown sugar.

Save Big on Sugar


Salt is another important ingredient in any baker's pantry. Salt is essential for adding flavor to baked goods and helps to control the spread of yeast. You might use fine table salt, kosher salt, or rock salt depending on what you bake most often!

Check Salt Prices


Some recipes call for corn syrup, honey, or molasses. Syrups help to add flavor and sweetness to baked goods. They can also be used to add moisture or create a glaze. Don’t let yourself get into a sticky situation: make sure you keep these ingredients stocked! 

Shop Syrups

Pantry baking ingredients in jars lined up in a row on a countertop.

Free Shipping for Your Pantry Staples

Louisiana Pantry has all the dry ingredients you need for baking. Ordering in bulk will save you time and money, and we’ll deliver everything directly to your door so you don’t need to worry about going to the grocery store. It gets better: shipping is free for orders over $30!

It's important to keep these essential baking ingredients to keep on hand so you're always ready to bake up something delicious! Cookies, cakes, bread, pastries, and more are all within reach when you have these items in your pantry.

Happy baking!

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